There are very few occasions when having an "ample bosom" has its' advantages (especially when they're real). The majority of the time they just get in the bloody way!

Running is an absolute nightmare, not that that's something I partake in anyway, but on the odd occasion I have attempted it, it's been an extremely painful experience. I'm sure it's given any viewers a good ole laugh but no amount of duct tape could strap these puppies down to make me put on my runners and give it another shot.

Even trying to get into a comfortable position in bed to sleep requires at least a few seconds of shifting and adjusting so I don't suffocate, and to make sure things aren't squishing where they shouldn't be. Although, my boyfriend drifts off in a matter of seconds once he rests his weary head upon my two soft pillows of breast tissue, so at least one of us is getting a good night's sleep.

The worst thing about it all, is the shopping. To buy a bra, I can't just zip down to a chain store like KMart or Target and buy a cute lace set for under $30 like all you lucky A-D cup gals. It's a trip to a specialty store for me, then spending anywhere between $70 - $100 and coming home with ONE bra that may be oh-so-practical, but won't get the blood boiling and certainly can't be worn as outerwear.

So I was super excited to hear about the new collaboration between mega babe Annalise Braakensiek and BIG W to create affordable lingerie for size 10 - 16 DD - G women for as little as $19 with matching briefs for $9.

Too good to be true I thought at first, but the styles were sexy, comfortable and supportive - triple winner.

I'm sold, well done Annalise and well done BIG W!


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