I'm writing this blog post after finishing the 3 day carb detox on the Bodytrim system.

See blog post HERE on my first attempt. Sadly, I only made it past the Carb Detox phase.

My partner and I decided to give it another go, after I didn't do particularly well the first time. Weight loss, much like smoking is something you need to be ready for, both mentally and physically. And it usually takes a few attempts.

I've been somewhat unstable recently, can't put it down to any one thing in particular, but I'll be talking about that in another post.

My lithium intake has increased and in doing so, so has my weight (for more info you can read blog post HERE), and I feel like shit. I haven't been able to look at myself naked in the mirror which of course has had an adverse affect on my mental state. So it was time to at least try and make a change, even though I've tried everything else in the past and it hadn't worked. But hey, I work so hard to be well, I'm a fighter.  And, you know what they say healthy body, healthy mind.

This time, I knew if I was to succeed, I needed help. I couldn't do it on my own, much like a lot of things in my life. So with my partner acknowledging he needed to lose a few kg too, we made a commitment to do it together. All in.

So 3 days of meat and eggs and I've lost 4kgs. I'm so proud of myself, and swapping from Coke to Coke Zero was easier than I thought.

So on Day 4, the weight loss phase now starts and I got to enjoy a slice of soy linseed toast this morning and bring in vegetables and salad for lunch and dinner. I'm excited.

There's hope for me yet! 



  1. How r u going with ur bodytrim? I have been on it for about 3 months now n I am down 12 kg dont give up!!

  2. It's been an up and down thing lol. My partner and I recently started it again and we both lost 5kg on the carb detox but then I went on my holiday to NZ which totally killed it :(
    With my bipolar I really need to be stable and in the right frame of mind to be able to stick to it. We are actually starting again this weekend. Congratulations on your weight loss, that's fantastic!


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